I am Jane. An urban homesteading, homeschooling, scratch-cooking, garden-growing, food-preserving, chicken-raising mama of 2 who loves the domestic side of life. Is it overwhelming from time to time? YES. Does that stop me? NO.

I grew up on a large farm in Ohio. As kids we had acres of land to run around and explore, creeks and ponds to swim in and catch snakes and snapping turtles, woods and barns to build forts in, and pigs, cows, and sheep to make friends with… ask me about Porky… he was the best.

AsĀ  adolescents we bailed hay and straw, pitched manure, helped weed the garden, and snapped green beans until our fingers bled. Truly, kids today would faint at the thought of doing a fraction of the work we did.

My grandmother and aunts did everything. EVERYTHING! They cooked, sewed, wallpapered, painted, bought old furniture ay yard sales to strip & refinish, gardened, canned, did yard work, created flower beds and any other creative idea that would float into their overactive minds. Hence, where my insanity comes from. Creative busyness is a disease… a disease all the women in my family are infected with. The only difference between it and the flu is it isn’t curable. We are all intensely artistic in various ways that all relate to domesticity . If we want something, we don’t wait around for someone to build it for us…we buy the materials and do it ourselves.

This blog is essentially a diary. A collection of projects and ideas that inevitably will bleed into my life via some random thought. Not only will it fulfill the artist within me, I hope it will inspire those who visit as well.

~ Jane